The Integration of Water and Land Planning

Advancing the integration of water and land planning activities of municipalities and counties across the state of Utah

Integrating water considerations into land planning presents a significant opportunity to reduce municipal and industrial water use and grow in a water-efficient way. 

Too often, land use planning is undertaken independently of water use and planning efforts, even though the two can and should inform one another. Integrating these two processes from the beginning of any development proposal is cost-effective, whereas retrofitting existing development for water efficiency is expensive.

SB 110, passed in 2022, and SB 76 passed in 2023, require most municipalities (Utah Code 10-9a-403) and all counties (Utah Code 17-27a-401) to develop a water use and preservation element that is integrated with their land use planning and development (general plan). The municipal or county legislative body shall adopt and implement this new integrated water and land use element by December 31, 2025. 

The following two pages are intended to guide city planners, planning commissioners and community development personnel who belong to the various municipalities and counties across the state of Utah as they develop a new general plan or plan amendment. Guidelines on legislative requirements and the timeframe for adopting a new general plan are provided. The Division of Water Resources can provide technical assistance for those who need help integrating water into the land planning process.

Technical assistance grant application now open!

Applications open Sept. 9-Oct. 24, 2024

Communities interested in grants for technical assistance to integrate a water element into their general plans are encouraged to apply.

For general questions or comments regarding the integration of water and land planning, email