Secondary Irrigation System Metering

Hundreds of thousands of residential connections in Utah use secondary water for outdoor irrigation. Historically, those connections have been unmetered, making it difficult to track and reduce water use. Meters have been proven to help reduce water waste–without mandating water restrictions–by informing users of their consumption.

In 2022, the state legislature passed HB 242, followed by SB 251 in 2023. These bills resulted in Utah Code 73-10-34, which requires that all secondary pressurized connections be metered by January 1, 2030.

In addition, Utah Code 73-10-34.5 appropriated $250 million in ARPA grants for the purchase and installation of secondary water meters. The Board of Water Resources was tasked with distributing these funds. To learn more about ARPA grants and loan funding, select the Meter Grants & Loans button below.

The requirements regarding secondary meter installation are only applicable to secondary water suppliers, NOT residential consumers.

Not sure where to start? Use this survey to determine how the metering mandate affects you.

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