About 1,600 projects to improve safety and water efficiency, develop new water projects, and refurbish aging infrastructure have been completed since the Legislature established a revolving fund in 1947. Authority to appropriate these funds rests with the Board of Water Resources (formerly the Water & Power Board), and private or public water service providers can apply for low-interest and even some zero-interest loans for qualifying projects.
The Project Funding Section helps the Board of Water Resources administer the loans. Board members are assigned to work with projects located in a given River District. The board has disseminated over $850 million to construct about 1,600 projects, which have a combined total project value of over $2.3 billion.* The funds come from a revolving fund, which is repaid from project beneficiaries. These funds can be obtained by private or public water service providers in Utah.
Explore the map below to see a comprehensive list of projects.
For information on how to apply for funding and to download an application, visit the Board Funding page.
Here are the types of projects the Project Funding Section has helped usher through the Board’s funding process
- Agricultural storage reservoirs, diversion dams, pressurization ponds, canals, ditches, and pipelines
- Canal and ditch lining, enclosure, and piping projects
- Municipal drinking water treatment plants, storage tanks, distribution, and metering systems
- Water distribution line and meter replacement
- Secondary irrigation systems, including water meters
- Remote sensing and measuring devices for agricultural, municipal, and secondary systems
- Dam safety upgrades
- Hydropower facilities
- Storm water system components
To learn more about the Project Funding Section or receive assistance with your project funding needs, please contact Marisa Egbert at 801-403-8077 or email marisaegbert@utah.gov.
*The funding figures cited have not been indexed with inflation.