Drought Update 02/21/23

Published 02-21-23

SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 21, 2022) – Utah’s snowpack is currently above the April peak. More snowstorms, such as the one forecasted this week, are needed to keep our snowpack above average. Many reservoirs are expected to fill, while larger water bodies will take multiple years of above-average snowpack to fill.  Cold temperatures and an effective melt are needed to begin refilling reservoirs. 


Research universities and state agencies team up to offer solutions for Great Salt Lake

Published 02-16-23

Analysis includes a data repository, research, and policy options that will help return the lake to healthy levels

February 8, 2023 (Salt Lake City) – Declining water levels of Great Salt Lake threaten economic activity, local public health, and ecosystems. In response to this emergent statewide challenge, Utah’s public research universities formed the Great Salt Lake Strike Team, a collaboration of experts in public policy, hydrology, water management, climatology, and dust. Today they released a Great Salt Lake Policy Assessment that affirms the situation is urgent, but also identifies a variety of policy levers that can return the lake to healthy levels.


Third round of grant funding applications for the purchase and installation of secondary meters announced

Published 11-30-22

The funds will be distributed through the Board of Water Resources in an effort to increase water conservation statewide 

SALT LAKE CITY (Nov. 30, 2022) – After two initial two rounds of funding, the Utah Division of Water Resources is opening up a third round of applications for the purchase and installation of secondary meters. Through the first two rounds, the Board of Water Resources authorized over $190 million towards this effort. Systems that have installed secondary meters have seen a 20-30% reduction in water use simply by informing customers how much water they use. These grant funds are for secondary water providers, not residents. 


Utah Board of Water Resources celebrates its 75th anniversary

Published 11-01-22

Happy 75th anniversary to us!

💦 Seventy-five years

💦 1,530 projects

💦 $988M in Board Funding

From dam development and upgrades, to water data collection and planning, and hundreds of critical projects in between, we’ve worked hard to protect Utah’s water. Now more than ever, we’re committed to collaboration with the water community to address the challenges ahead of us. We celebrate these many accomplishments, but we also celebrate you, Utahns, for your efforts to conserve and your continued support!


Weekly Lawn Watering Guide now recommending at least “one irrigation per week” for the entire state

Published 05-16-22

Is it time to turn the sprinklers on? Check the Utah Division of Water Resources’ Weekly Lawn Watering Guide and find out. The guide is posted every Friday on the division’s Facebook page and website during irrigation season to help Utahns target water needs in each county. Utah has been in drought eight out of the last 10 years. We encourage all residents to check with their local water provider for restrictions. 


Water Resources “Blitzes” park strips to show Utahns how to save thousands of gallons

Published 09-21-21

SALT LAKE CITY (Sept. 20, 2021) – The Utah Division of Water Resources will convert four grassy park strips to lush but water-wise landscapes to launch “Flip Blitz,” a campaign that aims to raise awareness about how small landscape changes can make a big difference. The campaign kicks off Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 13218 S Herriman Rose Blvd, Herriman, Utah 84096 at 9 a.m.


Gov. Cox orders water conservation at state facilities

Published 05-03-21

In response to ongoing concerns about extremely dry conditions, Gov. Spencer J. Cox issued an executive order forbidding irrigation at state facilities between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., requiring that sprinklers are shut off during rain storms and making sure landscape watering systems are operating efficiently.

Executive Order 2021-10 also encourages local governments to implement similar water restrictions on public landscaping, urges irrigation companies to delay the start of the irrigation season and asks all Utahns to reduce water use by taking shorter showers, converting turf to waterwise landscaping and replacing appliances with water-efficient models.

“Last year, Utah experienced one of the driest and hottest years on record and we anticipate another tough drought year ahead,” Gov. Cox said. “State government is committed to doing its part to conserve water and we encourage all Utahns to use this most precious resource wisely and sparingly.”

Executive Order 2021-10 is effective immediately

Gov. Cox issues drought executive order

Published 03-17-21

With 100% in the moderate drought category and 90% of the state experiencing extreme drought, today Gov. Spencer J. Cox issued an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency due to drought conditions. This declaration allows drought-affected communities, agricultural producers and others to officially begin the process that may provide access to state or federal emergency resources.

Changes Coming to Smart Controller Rebate

Changes coming to smart irrigation controller rebate program

Published 09-15-20

Changes are coming to the Utah Division of Water Resources’ smart irrigation controller rebate program. The current program rebates 50% of the cost (up to $150) when you purchase an eligible WaterSense labeled smart controller. The program is transitioning to a fixed rebate of up to $75 beginning Nov. 1.

“Smart controller costs have come down since the program’s inception in 2018. Now you can get a great controller starting as low as $59,” said Marcie Larson, the division’s manager over water conservation and public information. “Currently the average rebate is about $66, so the new fixed-rate program that gives consumers up to $75 is a great deal and also allows more rebates to be awarded. The current rebate works well for those who want to purchase a more expensive controller.” 
