Welcome to the Southeastern Utah Watershed Council page!
The Southeastern Utah Watershed Council is one of the 12 local watershed councils that will operate in Utah.
Local watershed councils are created to encourage and facilitate discussion and collaboration or water-related issues and concerns among the stakeholders within the watershed. As feasible, the watershed council will facilitate communication and coordination among the following interests:
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Utah tribal nations
- Public water suppliers
- Water planning and research institutions
- Water quality
- Fish and wildlife
- Water dependent habitat and environments
- Watershed management
- Mutual irrigation companies
- Local sponsors of reclamation projects
Each local watershed council will designate one representative to serve on the Utah Watersheds Council, where issues of concern can be brought to the attention of the Legislature and governor.
For general inquires, email watershedcouncils@utah.gov.
Meeting Schedule & Minutes
All meetings will be held at the following address unless otherwise noted in the table below:
If you would like to be informed about the Southeastern Utah Watershed Council, or if you have any questions or ideas for the council, please contact us. We are here to serve you and help ensure that the council brings benefits to you and the state of Utah.
- Carly Payne, Watershed Councils Coordinator, Utah Division of Water Resources, 801-600-5629 or carlypayne@utah.gov
- Jack Hinzman, Southeast Colorado River Area Planning Specialist, Utah Division of Water Resources, 801-538-7297 or jackhinzman@utah.gov